Thursday, September 15, 2011

How To Convince Consumers

If you want to sell, We have to be convincing when you speak. The customer has to say yes to our proposal. Not only in sales but also when speaking in public is necessary to be convincing.
Here are the successful techniques for quickly improving their communication skills.

First of all, take a sheet of paper and answer these questions:

   1. What is the main interest of my party (customer / public)?
   2. What do I get with my operation?
   3. What is the main message I want to communicate?
   4. What are the most important topics I want to exhibit?
   5. With such examples can I explain?

Write it on paper.

If your appointment prior to any customer or prior to a meeting or before a public speech, you do this exercise, you will be able to be more focused and your speech will improve the structure and conduct.

Now take another sheet of paper and write what you want to provoke emotions in the audience or your customer: I give you some examples to be clearer:

    * I would like to arouse enthusiasm among my colleagues and urge them to achieve the objectives.
    * I wish to reassure my new client on my company's new products.
    * I want to win the sympathies of my head to improve my work situation.

An important principle to keep in mind: Depending on the emotions that you will want to lead in the recipient, will change the way you communicate. Depending on what you get from your recipient will change the way you communicate.

Now close your eyes and imagine you are in front of your potential clients or in front of your audience. Imagine the situation as realistically as you can, the place, as you are dressed, the meeting room or conference room. Now think: what is the message I want to communicate at the beginning of my visit or event?

With eyes closed, imagine you say. And then you write that phrase on a sheet of paper.

Now close your eyes and imagine again the situation first with a small but significant change:
What is the final sentence that you would like to say to your potential customer or your audience? Write this as well.

So let's recap, now you should have written (and thus know):

   1. What do your customers or your audience?
   2. What emotions you want to encourage reaching your goals.
   3. The initial message to create interest to you.
   4. The final sentence to be memorable.

Not very true!

Now some self-analysis :) replies to these questions, this time is personal:

How important is for me the subject I have to treat?

What fascinates me the most, what I really care?

What worries me, irritates me most about this topic?

What is for me the most important part of the theme?

There is a personal experience that brings me back to the theme of the speech and that I can somehow tell?

By answering these questions try to be honest with yourself. If you have problems with some of these solve the doubts with the help of other articles of this blog.

The time now is forming the content of the conversation of sale or public speaking. But you have other questions to be answered to improve this content:

    * What are my basic tenets?
    * Like the reason?
    * What topics are most important?

I suggest you spend a lot of time researching and writing the answers. The real juice comes from the answer to these.

So here is a summary schedule your surgery:

   1. Introduction
   2. Description of facts
   3. Theses formulated with personal opinions
   4. Motivation of the thesis
   5. Summary
   6. Concluding sentence.

For effective communication and to be convincing, you should not miss any of the phases described above. And take seriously the answer to the questions. All this will make the process smoother. It will make you appear more secure in front of your customers and your audience and make it more natural.

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